I am signing this document and know that AFCR Alaskans For Constitutional Rights will use my name & information to negotiate with local and state governments officials and in other actions to fight medical tyranny. AFCR will otherwise keep my information private.
I work in the oil industry in Alaska. Whether or not I have already gotten the Covid-19 Vaccine, makes no difference. I believe a Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate is a violation of my inherent and inalienable rights. Medical freedom is an inalienable right, and as such, can not be infringed on by government or any employer, corporation, business, or person. No employer should be allowed to make medical decisions for any employees, current or for new hires. I will not vote for any candidate for any office who refuses to protect and defend my rights according to both the US Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Alaska. The 9th Amendment states, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” In other words, the federal government doesn’t own the rights that are not listed in the Constitution, but instead, they belong to the citizens. I have the inalienable right to medical freedom. I choose to stand for my rights and will not work for an employer that would attempt to violate these basic inherent and inalienable rights. I ask that you, my legislators and Governor stand with me to protect these rights for all Alaskans, today and for the future of our state and our country, as your oath and the law have bound you to do.