Updates on fundraising, the Alaska lawsuit(s) and more, will be provided to each AFCR/MAFA meeting host to be communicated to meeting attendees.
As these unconstitutional Covid-19 mandates continue to shape our lives, we suffer the after-effects. We must come together to regain our rights, and fight medical tyranny.
We, the People, can not let this continue.
Our Goals
Create a close knit community of like minded people and voters. When we have the votes, we have the power.
Fundraiser for attorney fees to bring lawsuits against those that are infringing on our rights, the first of which is to declare this State of Emergency as Fraudulent.
Rescind all unconstitutional mandates and prevent them from being used as precedent in future policy making.
Hold our officials accountable to their oath of office, to uphold and defend the constitutions of the U.S. and the State of Alaska.
AFCR, LLC is run by a group of volunteers. All funds go to legal fees, and operations. All AFCR/MAFA hosts bear the cost of hosting meetings. No one takes a salary, or payment for services other than the attorney(s) hired and a minimal amount of operational services.
We Must Make Our Voices Heard
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